Tag: meteorjs

7 Best JavaScript Framework 2017

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JavaScript is a scripting language used in web development to add dynamic and interactive elements to the websites. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language in which the source code is processed by the client’s web browser. It is a lightweight cross-platform used to create software and creative websites.

Best JavaScript Frameworks To Learn in 2017



img source https://softwareengineeringdaily.com

Node.js is an open-source & cross-platform JavaScript uses run-time environment for executing JavaScript code on server-side. Node.js is a platform built on Google’s V8 Chrome’s JavaScript runtime to build fast and scalable network applications.

Node.js is a lightweight & nonblocking I/O model used for real-time applications that run on various distributed devices.JavaScript primarily used for client-side scripting. JavaScript code is embedded in a webpage’s HTML, to be run on client-side by a JavaScript engine in the web browser.

Node.js adds a feature in JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting and runs server-side scripts to produce dynamic web page content.


1. ES6 Performance Speedup:

Node.js is built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine, that helps to perform fast code execution. A lot of ES6 features including promises, generators, destructors, and rest/spread operators. V8 version fully supports ES6 in NodeJS.

2. I/O is Asynchronous and Event Driven:

Node.js API is asynchronous which means non-blocking & Node.js based server never waits for an API to return data. It means server will move to next API after calling it. Node.js helps the server to get a response from the previous API call. Hence debug in Node.js become easier.

3: Easy Debugging & Dependencies:

Node applications have become easier to debug by using the Chrome developer tools. The Chromium Team has changed the source code which is used to implements the debugging from Chromium to V8, Now it becomes easier for Node Core to stay up to date with the debugger sources and dependencies.

4. Highly Scalable:

Node.js is highly scalable because event mechanism helps the server to respond with non-blocking way.

Installation of Node JS & npm on Windows:

Download the node.exe binary from node.org & move node.exe to C:\node\node.exe, cd to C:\node, and do the following:

C:\node> set path=%PATH%;%CD%
C:\node> setx path “%PATH%”

The above commands set up to call node from anywhere in the system.

For NPM, The first step to installing Git to the system.
move cd to C:\node, and do the following:

C:\node> git config –system http.sslcainfo /bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt
C:\node> git clone –recursive git://github.com/isaacs/npm.git
C:\node> cd npm
C:\node> node cli.js install npm -gf

Once you have installed npm, try installing a Node module, say express.

C:\node> npm install express –g

That’s how Node.js and npm installed on Windows machine.

AngularJS 2


img source: http://www.wintellect.com

Angular JS 2 is the most popular JavaScript framework used by many developers to build and maintain complex web applications. Many companies like Domino’s Pizza, iTunes Connect, PayPal Checkout, Google are using an Angular framework which defines its popularity & use.

Angular is an opensource & MVC framework supported by Google which offers 2-way data binding between models and views which allow an automatic update.

A JavaScript framework contains different functionalities which support other parts of the application in a form of services & also improves the existing modules into ES6 modules.


Data Binding:

Data-binding is the most important feature in AngularJS. It will save time from writing an excessive code. A typical web application may contain code related to manipulation & traversing. Data-binding makes the code invisible so that the coder can focus on application part.

Dependency Injection:

AngularJS has dependency injection subsystem that makes the application easier to develop, understand, and test. Dependency Injection allows asking for dependencies, rather than searching manually.


Directives is another important feature of AngularJS. It is also the most challenging aspect of AngularJS. Directives are used to create custom HTML tags that serve as new custom widgets. It is also used to decorate elements with behavior and manipulate DOM attributes in different ways. Creating the application as a composition of discrete components makes it easy to add, update or delete.

Testing :

The AngularJS testing works very strongly that any code written in JavaScript includes a strong set of tests. They have designed AngularJS with testability which makes testing in AngularJS applications very easy. AngularJS is written in a ground up to be the testable model. It also comes with an end-to-end and unit test runner setup that makes the code easily testable.

Installation of Angular JS on Windows:

npm install –save angular2

Vue JS:


img source: https://i.ytimg.com

Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces designed as an adaptable feature. The core library is focused on the view layer makes easy to integrate with other libraries or existing projects. It is a combination of Ember, Reacts and Angular JS useful features.

Vue is also empowered to hold Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries. Vue.js provides 2-way data binding, server-side rendering, conditional rendering, list rendering, event handling & custom directives.


Virtual DOM:

Vue offers high performance due to its lighter-weight Virtual DOM implementation. Vue JS mainly focuses on raw rendering/updating performance but it does not take complex component structures.

Optimization Efforts:

In Vue, When component renders, its dependencies are automatically tracked, It aware the system about the components needs to re-render when a state changes. Each component should have Component Update need to be automatically implemented. It removes the need for a class of performance optimizations for a developer and allows them to focus on building the app.

JSX Functions:

Vue JS supports render functions and JSX in which HTML-based templates helps to migrate existing applications to make use of Vue’s reactivity features. This feature makes it much easier for designers and new developers to parse and contribute more to the codebase.

Native Rendering:

Vue collaborates with WEEX, which is a cross-platform UI framework which uses Vue as its JavaScript framework runtime which helps to use same Vue component syntax to other components that cannot be rendered in the Browser & also natively on iOS and Android.

Installation of Vue JS on Windows:

 $ npm install vue

React JS:


img source: http://www.goodworklabs.com

React JS is a declarative, flexible and open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React JS handles view layer in the web and mobile apps. It allows creating reusable UI components. It is currently one of the most popular JavaScript libraries.

React is a flexible and Efficient JS which provides hooks that allow you to interface with other libraries and frameworks. Example “remarkable” an external Markdown library that converts the text area’s value in real time.

React components implement a render() method that takes input data and returns resultant data. It also uses virtual DOM which improves the performance of JS applications.

React JS provides interactive UIs which Designs simple views for application, and efficiently update, render the right components. Declarative views make the code easier to debug when it uses both for server side and client side component.


JSX : Javascript XML

JSX is an object-oriented programming language designed to run on updated web browsers. JSX performs faster optimization during compilation the source code to JavaScript. JSX is type-safe. It means errors will be caught during the compilation process so that the quality of applications becomes higher using JSX.

DOM: Document Object Model

Another important feature is the use of a “virtual Document Object Model,” or “virtual DOM.” It’s a way of representing a structured document by using objects. It is cross-platform and language convention which represents and interacts with data in HTML, XML, and other languages. Web browsers handle the DOM implementation information to interact with it using JavaScript and CSS.

Server Side Mechanism:

React JS supports features like server-side communication. The library of React JS encourages the programmers to use lifecycle like “hooks” to enable the server requests. This feature supports XHR requests mechanism and easily update the library to use them.

To install the react module, type this command in the terminal

install can be abbreviated as i, and save can be abbreviated as -S.

Ember JS:


img source: http://opensourceforu.com

Ember is a JavaScript front-end framework designed to build websites with rich and complex applications. JS provides many features to manage complexity in web applications with an integrated development toolkit that enables rapid iteration.

Handlebars templates created by Ember JS ensures HTML updates when the working model changes & coder doesn’t need to write any JavaScript code.

Creation of desktop and mobile application in Ember.js becomes very easy with the stability, vast solution provided for client-side application and standard application structure.


Ember CLI:

A development toolkit to create, develop, and build Ember applications & also used for creating reusable and maintainable web applications. It also provides the standard file and directory structure that helps to manage applications.

Ember Inspector:

It is a browser extension tool to inspect application live & helps to debug ember applications. It also allows viewing and edits the runtime contents of Objects and Classes. The View Tree displays the structure of the rendered application. The Routes tab allows to determine and follow the router state and the URLs.

Data :

It is a data persistence library which provides facilities of an object-relational mapping & uses templates that help to update the model if contents changes.

To Install Ember, run following command:

 npm install -g ember-cli

BabylonJS :


img source: https://html5gamedevelopment.com

An open source 3D engine based on WebGL and Javascript. Web Graphics Library, or WebGL, is a JavaScript API which is designed to render interactive 3D computer graphics and 2D graphics with a compatible web browser without using plug-ins. Babylon.js uses plugin system for physics engines that enables to add physics interactions to the scene’s objects such as collision & gravity etc.

Cannon.js – a wonderful physics engine written in JavaScript
Oimo.js – a lightweight Oimo physics engine
Energy.js – C++ physics engine.

It also supports motion blur, cell shading material, morph targets, self-shadowing, SPS collision, standard rendering a lot more.


WebGL Support:

Babylon JS provides Transparent WebGL support rendering with WebGL1 and WebGL2 contexts. When WebGL2 is enabled, the shaders will be converted to GLSL v3.0 automatically. Babylon.js will take advantage of extended instruction & uniform counts.

Point Light:

3D Lights are used to produce the color received by each pixel. This color is used by the materials to determine the final color of every pixel. There are many variations in lights in which point light is like a light defined by a single point. This point emits his energy in every direction like the sun.

Canvas 2D:

Canvas2D is a bigger addition to babylon.js. It is full 2D accelerated engine & babylon.js is a full featured 3D engine So To handle 2D content working on games or complex applications Canvas 2D is added to Babylon JS as an advanced feature.

HDR Cubemaps:

Babylon JS introduced support for HDR maps for PBR which is a physically based rendering. It gives a real world game scenario & used throughout the game for all environment & reflection maps.

Installation of Babylon JS on Windows:

 npm install babylonjs



img source: https://joebuckle.me

Meteor JS is a free & open source JavaScript framework & a platform for developing modern web and mobile applications. It includes a set of technologies for building connected-client reactive applications, a build tool, and a curated set of packages from the Node.js. It also allows rapid prototyping and provides the cross-platform code such as the web, Android code.


  • Meteor allows developing in Javascript in all environment such as application server, web browser, and mobile device.
  • Meteor uses data as a wire in which the server sends data, and the client renders it.
  • Meteor provides reactive support, allowing UI to reflect the true state of the applications with minimum development effort.

Installation of Meteor JS on Windows:

meteor npm install